This game is rated by 5590 users and followed by more then 12743 players around the world. This First person game have got total ratings of 96.25 out of 100 and an average ratings of 94.19 out of 100. It is Rated ‘M’ by ESRB which basically means that only 17+ players can play this game. It was released on and last updated on Nov 09, 2019. 505 Games, Got Game Entertainment are the official Publishers of the game.
This game is developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio. The game is available to play on PC (Microsoft Windows). Arma 2 is based on the latest generation technology, offering large ?scale game world, authentic and extremely detailed modern units, weapons, vehicles and enviroments, challenging single player and vast array of multiplayer options.ĪrmA 2 is a Wonderful Shooter, Simulator, Strategy, Tactical based game released on PC. Players will be sent as members of a United States Marine Corps Force Recon squad to this country to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure ongoing stability there. ArmA 2 is set in the near future, year 2009, in a fictional post soviet country called Chernarus.